Sunday, January 25, 2009

Prompt #3 - Memorable Meals

For this prompt, I expect many of us will be able to think of more than one thing to write about. This prompt centers around meals that you have retained in your memory for one reason or another. Maybe it was simply a new recipe you tried. Or maybe it made you sick. Maybe it was the first time you tried food that wasn't cooked by your mother. Or the first time you discovered that new favorite food of yours.

Maybe it wasn't the food that made the meal memorable--maybe it was the topic of conversation, or where you ate, or who you were with.

Think about the meals you have enjoyed (or not) alone or with company. Help the rest of us relive it with you.


Thanks for joining me in my journey to write my personal history! If you participated in this prompt and would like to share your memory, email me!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Prompt 2 - Favorite Place(s)

For this prompt, I want you to think about your favorite place(s). They don't have to be current favorites, but they can be. You can write about past favorites, current favorites, future favorites (i.e., a dream vacation spot you're dying to go to, or that house you've been wanting to build for the last 10 years), or all of the above. They don't have to be restricted to geographic locations, either.

To help you get started, here is a list of places I'll be choosing from (I definitely won't be writing about more than one or two of them, though):
-the mountains
-Arches National Park
-the front of a classroom
-Orem High School
-New York
-my car (not about how great a car it is... but about how much I enjoy driving in my car and what that time means to me)
-the Atari room in Grandpa Knight's house
-bundled up in front of the fireplace or hogging a heating vent
-Goblin Valley

Think about why this place is so meaningful to you or comes to mind as something to share. Describe it in as much detail as you can. What memories do you associate with this location? Is this a favorite place because of certain memories? Did certain events or moments become more meaningful to you because they took place here?

If you're participating in this prompt and want to share, email me.